Jed Stone lives in Plymouth
Age: 24 (in 1977 when this interview appeared in Skateboard mag)
Number of years skating: 2 approx.
Other hobbies: surfing in the summer
Team: Rob Ward’s West Country Team
Favourite skate places: bowls — also likes the Bristol ramp and half-pipe
Preferred skating: bowlriding
Equipment: West Country rocker deck, 651’s and big reds for bowls, Fibreflex cambered deck, small green Kryps for slalom.
Admires in the UK: Si Napper, Alex Turnbull
Admires in the States: no one till he’s seen them in action
“The night before the Watergate competition, a few of us were taking bets on which of us were going to
win. Then guys like Jeremy Henderson turned up and started doing power slides, lip slides and aerials. We just sat back and watched. . . we couldn’t believe it .”
“Rob Ward and Dave Thomas have always supplied us with our gear. Whatever
we’ve wanted, we’ve had.
That helps. . .otherwise it would cost us a fortune. The number of decks I go through . . . I’ve been changing every month or so.”
“There’s a guy on Plymouth Ho! called Jimmy who could always frapp me at
slalom. Whenever I raced him l’d always be left standing, or fall over or something. One day he told me to tighten up my trucks, go wider, and to
get something grippier than the big red Kryps I was using.
I got the small greens and now I’m beating him.”