Brian Kellner

South African skateboarder Brian Kellner by Robert Vente
South African skateboarder Brian Kellner by Robert Vente

Brian Kellner

Country of origin: South Africa

Living now: in Brighton

Age: 15 (in 1977, when this interview appeared in Skateboard magazine)

Normal skate place: Brighton’s Marina Wall

Equipment: Bennett and Tracker trucks, Simms Comp 2’s self-made freestyle board. For slalom, green

Kryps, Henry Hesters, Park- riders, Logan 4&5‘s G&S Cutaway deck with Full Tracks.

Prefers to skate: some slalom, otherwise, just  goofing around’

Other hobbies: Some surfing

Admires in the UK: Tim Levis. . . “I’ve seen all the guys and he’s got something the others haven’t”

Admires in the States: Jay Adams, Tony Alva, Lonnie Toft, Henry Hester.

“Over in South Africa there were only four really good skaters — and my brother, Steve, was one of them. Those guys could beat anyone in Britain.“

“Back home, when the police catch you skate-boarding, they treat you like a criminal, not like a kid who’s done something wrong.”

One thought on “Brian Kellner

  1. Just browsing the web for skating history and saw this post…. Steve Kellner used to ride for the Alpha Skateboard team here in South Africa, 1975,76′ I was the South African Open champion and part of the Alpha Team, Steve was just a grom but had huge potential…pass on my regards if the Kellners are still around.


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